we take a whole building approach
At Ultimate Insulation, not only do we understand attics and insulation, but we also understand the importance of addressing any structural home issues before installing our insulation. Some structural issues may include; the level of insulation throughout the home, how “air-tight” the house is, electrical and plumbing penetrations, structural problems in the attic, and how well the ventilation and vapour barrier systems are performing. Our thorough approach ensures the longevity and efficiency of your home.
Blown insuation
Heating a home, especially in our climate, can be expensive. Most of the homes in Saskatchewan were constructed during an era of plentiful and inexpensive energy supplies. As a result, these homes were built with only the minimum amount of attic insulation. With today’s much higher energy costs, retrofitting your home’s attic is often one of the least costly and most effective ways to reduce your energy bills.
Attic ventilation and building envelope
Air leaks can become a major issue in an attic insulation upgrade. Ultimate checks diligently for any air leaks into the attic from the house so that they can be sealed prior to insulating. If there is evidence of moisture damage in the attic, such as wet insulation, yet the roof appears free from leaks, suspect condensation from excessive air leakage. During the winter, warm air which escapes from the house can carry significant amounts of water vapour into the cold attic where it may form condensation or frost. On a warm day, the frost will melt and the water will drip into the insulation. If excessive, this moisture can seriously damage the insulation and quite possibly the attic framing.
Ensuring bathroom fans and kitchen exhaust systems are adequate and functioning.
Sealing of the plumbing stacks and other pipes entering the attic; around electrical wires or ceiling light fixtures that penetrate the attic; around ducting that enters the attic from inside the house
thermal imaging
Thermal cameras can see the heat loss that you can feel but is invisible. We employ this technology whenever possible to determine the best course of action and remain budget friendly on your project.